
Shamanic Womb Healing Circle

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Shamanic Womb Healing Circle



When we feel tired all the time, when our hormones are imbalanced, when one of the primary organs that connects us to creative and LIVING force is blocked — so much of our natural healing process is blocked.

My menses used to rush me to the hospital, have fainting spells, and classic cold stagnation (trad chinese medicine) — it was the wound that compelled me to learn so much about how to clear my womb of unhealthy programs: from my maternal line, from what wxmen are allowed to do or be, and to really understand the cyclical nature of our inner bleed and cycles. I know there are many resources to go about supporting all of our menstrual-uterine diffuclties but i would like to offer what i do best which is: shamanic womb healing to really CLEAR out major blocks.

Just like my podcast ep: please be ready for the body detoxing after the workshop, and to really rebuild your relationship with your womb, as a portal, as fertile ground, as an ally rather than a curse. I actually have less painful menses now and in any society that systematically mutes our sensing intuition— we need all the community support we can get.


I made an intro podcast episode on this topic here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/555EzofnUZ2kmqSSER7eMU?si=05d069ae7f5943ef

for folks who want a reference on how I generally think about this.

Further details about the class:

🌱Maria always invites people’s free will and their co-creation in the class: so should there be other ways that your invocations usually feel stronger: for example keeping your eyes open and sketching a body map, a specific arrangement of crystals etc. Know that that is very welcome in the process and that i also trust your own way of hearing guidance in leading and holding yourself. 
🌱Most folks for somatic work want to be in a space where they can move comfortably around as they sometimes need to “stretch out” tense parts where they won't be disturbed and can actively participate in the class (video cams on) 

🌱This is a channeled class so I’ll be inviting everyone’s core frequency, spirit guides, and a special team to assist your bodies. There is a guided visualization/spirit journey that we will do together

🌱This is a community class. Sometimes the keys, perspectives, rectifications to our own healing processes is in each other. I know a lot of energywork can feel individualistic, but do note that this class is about webs and interdependence. I request that we show up willing to be both giver and receiver, I find that the possibilities simply bloom this way. Our mirror neurons leveraging each other’s strengths. Don’t worry we are held.


I’ve got some new folks around here! So a bit about me: I'm Maria, a sb-reiki shaman since 2016, dancer/somatics nerd for 7 years and a lot of initiations via dreams. I also have training in expressive arts therapy and processwork and am also an artist. I love integrated spirituality that remains in a fun and radically accessible. 

My somatic lens for womb healing is primarily taoist (trad chinese medicine, mantak chia) , yogic and shamanic, really rooting to a befriending of our internal natures, systems, organs and a willing curiosity to release storied pains that our wombs have generously held for us. I have had painful/fainting menses since i was 9 and have holistically healed myself without needing to use birth control pills and external medication, my genetics/mother has adenomyosis, endometriosis, cysts and the like. I genuinely believe that I only know so much about the energetics of the womb because I desperately wanted to no longer suffer, and be an ally to my own body. Even in general healing work I have a bias and affection to allying the body and it's parts. 

Your journey is unique, so the benefit of joining in live for the class is we can customize and help post-process any relevant information, this circle of listening is an important part of the integration process and understanding what has gone on. For the privacy of the people who joined the circle live, their check-in before the guided journey and their post-processing after the guided journey is removed from the recording. I understand that folks also learn from each other, but I do want to respect the sanctity of personal stories and making sure they're listened to in safe spaces. If you are listening to the online version of this journey please do feel free to message maria linktr.ee/mariamison_ to share and process any images and energies you experienced. Again, this is a community class so I also commend the participants for their co-facilitating of space that enables this group container to exist. In that same vein I hope you are also inspired to share this womb healing space to other women who you feel can benefit from this.



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an audio recording of the class

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